• Blog

    Cultivating Curiosity

    In March I plan to invest in curiosity and creativity … beware … this may last close to forever. Who says we need to stay inside the confines of March? What can I say? I’m passionately curious and love to make artsy things … a lifetime unofficial student. In fact, curiosity and creativity will be the foundation of the new site I’m working on. Did I forget to mention that? I know I talked about changes coming (and changes have begun), but did I mention, I’m working behind the scenes at moving my blog to a new website? It will focus on exploring meaning and life with watercolor and ink,…

  • Blog

    Connect with your Community

    When I think about connecting with my community, my first response is to ask, “What is community?” I’m sure we each have in mind what community means or looks like and each answer might vary a little.   I understand community in two ways. The people I live near and see on a random but not infrequent basis. We live in the same area and pass through the same towns. We shop at the same stores. Our children go to the same school and may have the same teachers. We may or may not interact more personally than that. Our lives touch briefly and that touch may or may not…

  • Blog

    Understanding Self

    In keeping with my theme this month, investing in connection, I have been thinking about the value of connecting with oneself. I spent many years trying to squeeze into a mold that I thought others wanted me to fit. During those years, I learned to silence the person inside who wanted to be unique. In many ways, I think we are all taught to please people, and some of it is necessary and good. But I had let it tell me what to do and hid myself away in the name of proper. Now, much farther along in life (maybe it’s the mid-life thing sneaking up on me), I find…

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    Connect Write

    Recently, on my Instagram account, a discussion commenced about the importance of written communication, specifically in reference to small business owners sending notes to their clients. Thank you notes. Not just any thank you notes … handwritten thank you notes. I know someone who will buy consistently from the same company because of the handwritten thank you they place inside each order. Not the discount, not the quality of the stuff … the personal touch through a quickly scrawled thanks. With our ever-increasing techno world,  ever-increasing options for distraction and disengagement, could it be that our need for connection will also be ever-increasing? What do we do with that? Thank…

  • Blog

    Invest in … Connection

    As I thought about what to invest in for February, I remembered (yes … I did forget) it’s the month of Valentine’s Day. People celebrate relationships this month. Why not explore something relevant? So … this month, we’ll explore investing in connection. When I started processing what investing in connection looks like, I found myself faced with questions. A lot of questions. The more I thought, the more questions piled up (not entirely unusual for me … I am very good at questions. Not always as good at answers.). What is connection? How do we feel connected? How do we stay connected? How do we invest in connection? When do…