Alphabet Style Study
Alphabet Style Study

Welcome to my Alphabet Style Study. Here you will find many different styles of letters made using a dip pen and watercolor paints. Some are calligraphy letter styles and some are hand lettered styles with color and designs. I have tried to keep the style consistent throughout the study, but a few letter styles were replaced along the way.
Along with each letter, I studied a subject beginning with the alphabet letter. Through the subject study I learned and developed new styles for watercolor and ink artwork. A dip pen was used for the illustration aspect of many of the pieces.
If you enjoy creative projects, spend some time looking for the styles you love. Then, watch them develop as you work your way through the alphabet. It’s a great way to stay focused on learning and growing your skills and ideas.
Browse the list of links below to see each letter of the study. Enjoy and I hope you are inspired to explore your own ideas and styles.
Happy Creating!