Christmas Styles pin

Christmas Styles

As Christmas approaches, I will take a break from creating and posting to enjoy family times and (hopefully) get ready for the new year.

Today, we’ll have an early, shortened post. I refuse to send you posts on Christmas or New Year’s Day (as Tuesday is my normal post day). I want you to enjoy your holidays. Yes, create, but you won’t have a notification from me. 

Instead, find silent moments to fill or not fill as you choose.

Cozy in a corner with a good book and a listener or two (that’s what I’ll be doing some of the time). 

Have an extra cup of coffee and a cookie for breakfast (yep! I’ll do that too). 

Breathe in a bit of relaxation to start the year off rested. 

Until then, here are a few Christmas styles I played with recently in anticipation of Christmas Day.

Christmas styles 1
Christmas styles in watercolor and ink.
Christmas tree styles
Christmas tree styles in watercolor and ink.

How many styles can you come up with? 

Just a brainy creative with a fascination about how people think and understand. I use watercolor and letter design to encourage connection ... with self, the environment, and especially the people who live there.