Creativity Killers
In creative business, some days come easier than others. Sometimes, we’re focused and on task and cranking things out. Then other times, it feels like slogging through mud while walking uphill in a snowstorm.
What makes the difference? Why are ideas exciting and energizing one day but overwhelming and unappealing the next day? What gets in the way of motivation and kills creativity?
In this series, we’ll talk about seven things that kill our creativity and give ourselves permission to walk through them.
Creativity Killer #1, Perfectionism – Allowed to be Imperfect
Creativity Killer #2, Fear of Failure – Allowed to Make Mistakes and Keep Trying
Creativity Killer #3, Striving and Stressed Out – Allowed to Slow Down
Creativity Killer #4, Too Many Ideas – Allowed to do One Thing at a Time
Creativity Killer #5, Too Busy – Allowed to be Intentional with Your Time
Creativity Killer #6, Give Up Too Soon – Allowed to Push Through Hard Things
Creativity Killer #7, Comparing Yourself to Others – Allowed to be Content with Your Style
That’s it! These are the things that threaten to kill my creativity. What are some things you would add to the list?