
Invest in … Connection

As I thought about what to invest in for February, I remembered (yes … I did forget) it’s the month of Valentine’s Day. People celebrate relationships this month. Why not explore something relevant? So … this month, we’ll explore investing in connection.

When I started processing what investing in connection looks like, I found myself faced with questions. A lot of questions. The more I thought, the more questions piled up (not entirely unusual for me … I am very good at questions. Not always as good at answers.).

  • What is connection?
  • How do we feel connected?
  • How do we stay connected?
  • How do we invest in connection?
  • When do we know we’re connected?
  • What makes us feel disconnected?
  • Who do we connect with?
Yes … I left some of my pencil lines show. I feel it’s so important for people to see the process, not just the product. And this was not the first run at handwriting this quote, just the one that made it to ink.

There are some things I know about connection. At least, I know they’re true for me.

  1. More people does always not equal more connection.
  2. More contact does not always equal more connection.
  3. Introverts need connection, too, but maybe less people.
  4. Extroverts need connection, in more ways than just with people.

Of course, this knowing, created more questions.

  • Are there different kinds of connection?
  • Is contact connection? Can we have authentic connection without contact (ie. face to face verbal contact vs. email, snail mail, text)?
  • What if we have contact but little connection? What does that do to us? Is it the illusion of connection? What if we convince ourselves that contact is connection?
  • What makes authentic connection?
  • What takes from connection?

In a way, the questions led me to a few conclusions for myself. As usual, my answers include, “It depends …”

I connect in multiple ways: with individuals, with groups, and with myself. I feel connection differently in different situations, even on different days. But I know I need connection to feel balanced.

Sometimes it happens without much effort. My family comes home in the evenings, and we each chatter about our day and listen to each other. Connection.

Sometimes I have to be intentional to connect, move my schedule around or invite someone into it. I run about five days a week, and I try to run with someone at least one of those days. Connection.

Sometimes I need to process to connect. I write or create pictures about the things that swarm inside my head. In the time I spend with myself, I work through how I’m feeling and what I think about the swirl of questions. Connection.

So … maybe there are many ways to connect. Some with people, some alone. Maybe feeling connected is a little different for each of us.

How do you invest in connection?

And if you have any additional answers … go ahead … blow me away with your insight! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Just a brainy creative with a fascination about how people think and understand. I use watercolor and letter design to encourage connection ... with self, the environment, and especially the people who live there.