Letter U and Undivided Christmas
Letter U and Undivided Christmas are part of a watercolor and ink study in letter styles and object styles beginning with that letter. Each study will focus on one letter and one object beginning with that letter in order to collect and practice various artistic styles and alphabets.
As I mentioned in my last post, I reserve the right to twist these studies at Christmastime. Anytime, really, but especially at Christmas. And I did just that with Letter U and Undivided Christmas. I may even do a week of just Christmas styles in between letter U and letter V. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone. And I may take a week just to celebrate. Afterall, the rest of my family gets to have off that week. Very tempting indeed.
I didn’t agonize much over letter U, only a little, as I tried to come up with something to fit with Christmas. Under the tree and unwrapped both crossed my mind, but they still felt too inhibiting. Unending came up as a possibility, but unfortunately, it will end … for this year.
So, undivided it is!
And it came at a wonderful time when I really am working on all things Christmas. This year, I’m attempting to design our family’s Christmas cards (hopefully, that will happen before they become New Year’s cards. I feel a bit late) and every year a local writers’ group puts together a Christmas edition for a local paper. I’ve submitted writing for several years. The last few years, I’ve also submitted some illustrations. It’s always fun to come up with new things to brighten Christmas for people.
Here are a few pieces from Letter U and Undivided Christmas and my takeaways from the study:
Dip Pen Letter U Styles

- The first thing I need to point out is that blob, not that you didn’t notice. I’ll just say, blobs and smears happen.
- I wasn’t overly thrilled with letter U though a few styles managed to put on a bit of character. It just seems like a bland letter (or maybe I’m looking at all the Christmas decorations and comparing the two. That could make anything look bland).
- Favorites: 2, 6, 14, 16, and 19.
- Least favorite: 10 and 12.
Watercolor and Ink Letter U Styles

- A few letters allow me the freedom to mess with short and long sides. Letter U does that well in the top and bottom of the first column. My eyes like the look of that.
- The bold U looks a lot like an H, but as I researched letter U in gothic styles, some of them do. This one more than most though. When I’m putting the alphabet together at the end of the study, I might have to swap out the H and make adjustments to the U.
- My least favorites are the top right U (I can’t put my finger on it, but something bothers me about it) and the gray U.
- Yes, I like the H-U along with the others left on the page.
Watercolor and Ink Undivided Christmas

- I’m loving my Dr. Ph Martin’s brass and a new set of finetec pearlescent colors, a gift from an early Christmas celebration. You probably can’t see the shimmer on the stocking, star, tree, and candles in these pictures.
- Favorites: the star, and the stocking.
- The other two weren’t as good as the pictures in my brain. That happens sometimes.
- I think I would like the candles better if the wreath was all pine.
I hope you found a little inspiration for your Christmas thoughts. If you’d like to read about the other studies, you can find a list of their links here.
Wishing you many bright Christmas moments in the days to come.
Happy creating!