Need an Easy Countdown for Christmas? Use Mini Cards!
Mini cards can be an easy way to have an advent calendar and countdown for Christmas.
The holiday season starts in November for me, blending two holidays into one long season of memories, togetherness, and blessing. Sometimes, I even refer to them as Thanksmas and Christgiving.
(Additional practical bonus: celebrating part of November and all December helps me remember to be prepared rather than gifting in a panic at the last minute.)
One way we celebrate Christmas is with an advent calendar to count down the days until the 25th. It helps build anticipation while giving something special every day of December.
Our countdowns have looked many different ways. We’ve had paper chains, cups made from painted muffin tins, and mini stockings strung with lights and filled with treats.
We’ve had so much fun with them, that I couldn’t help making one from mini cards this year, in hopes that you can have fun with a countdown too. You can find these mini cards here.
How to Use Mini Cards as a Countdown to Christmas

Of course, you can use the mini cards any way you want to, and much of it depends on your decorating. But I’ll give you a few ideas to get you started thinking.
Use the cards on their own with special messages, verses, or fun things to do as a family, add the cards to a pre-made advent calendar with pockets (like this one), or put them in some adorable mini stockings with a small treat.
Hang the cards where everyone can reach, but if it’s too tempting for little fingers, you can move it just out of reach. That way everyone can see it and be excited about the surprises there.
If you have a mantle, you can drape it over the edge or around the other decorations. Use mini clothes pins and ribbon or twine to hang it and make it extra cute.
And if you’re careful, the cards should last from year to year.
But what should you write on them?
If you have any family traditions, definitely include them. You’re family loves Christmas because of what you do together.
(Hint: Sometimes, I check my calendar to make sure we don’t go look at lights on a day we are already busy. I don’t want to rush the activities.)
Below, you’ll find some ideas we have used in the past. And of course, you can use some more than once. We have several movies that must be watched at Christmas.
Activity Ideas
- Take a drive in your pj’s to look at Christmas lights
- Play a game and sip hot chocolate
- Have a sock “snowball” fight (with balled up socks)
- Build a snowman (if no snow, do it with paper)
- Read the Christmas story in Luke
- Read a Christmas picture book (can still work with teens! There are some really good picture books)
- Bake Christmas cookies (don’t forget to taste one … or a few)
- Take gifts to your neighbors
- Eat a candy cane
- Open one gift early
- Act out the nativity scene
- Sing Christmas carols
- Watch a Christmas movie
- Send Christmas cards
- Go shopping for presents
- Decorate the tree
- Call grandma
- Make a gingerbread house
- Play your favorite Christmas music
- Make a thankful for list together
Maybe you can think of a few more. If so, please share them. I’d love to add some new ideas to the list.
Whatever you do, enjoy the time together and …
Soak in the treasure of each new day,