
New Year 2020

new year 2020, flourished new year
My son picked out some metallic markers for me as a Christmas gift. I used them to flourish the new year, 2020.

This year was dedicated to the word Permission. So it feels appropriate for me to end the year by giving myself permission to rest. 

I don’t know about you, but the end of the year feels like a hurricane of activity. Our holidays seem to last for a couple of weeks or months. We travel several hours to make it to a couple of gatherings which include several overnight stays. We have a quiet Christmas, but also invite a guest or three to pop in throughout the day. The kids are home from school (a different and welcome kind of crazy). And there’s the year-end wrap up for The Painted Pen … 

In years past, I’ve tried to push through and keep working on the online space, but this year, I decided not to fight it. It’s a great time to take a bit of a vacation. So, this post is short and sweet. A simple wish to enjoy the festivities and the beginning of the new year. 

I will be trying to tie up loose ends and plan 2020, but I’ll be enjoying my family too. After all … that’s what this time of year is all about.

If you are desperate for something to do creatively, here are a few past tutorials to try.


Easy Calligraphy – use a pencil to create calligraphy

Faux Calligraphy – learn about basic lettering strokes even without fancy calligraphy tools


Watercolor Techniques – try a few different ways to use watercolor to explore

Trillium Tutorial – for those looking forward to spring

Watercolor Backgrounds – make interesting backgrounds for your lettering

Happy New Year and … 

Happy creating!

Joanne, Your Style in Letters - Name

And … if you haven’t found that perfect planner for your 2020 goals, check out the goal workbook I created last year. It’s a downloadable workbook that walks you through identifying your goals and gives you space to break them down into manageable steps throughout the year. There are no specific dates in it, so you can use it over and over again or start it at any point in the year. 

A one page goal sheet is available in the resource library for email subscribers. Writing down your goals gets you one step closer to achieving them! I’ll be printing mine out soon. 

Just a brainy creative with a fascination about how people think and understand. I use watercolor and letter design to encourage connection ... with self, the environment, and especially the people who live there.