• fall quotes, calligraphy styles, and watercolor backgrounds
    Blog,  Fall Drawing Ideas,  Lettering Ideas,  Watercolor and Ink

    Fall Quotes, Calligraphy Styles, and Watercolor Backgrounds

    We must have had the perfect mix of hot and cold, wet and dry this summer because we are having one beautifully colorful fall. We needed an amazing fall this year. I needed it as a reminder that good things exist in the midst of difficult times. Today, I want to capture some of that beauty … some of that reminder ... in color and sentiment and style, in other words, watercolor, quotes, and calligraphy. We’ll paint a watercolor background using two different methods. Then, I’ll show you three of my favorite fall quotes, each written in a different calligraphy style. After that, it’s up to you to put them…

  • pumpkin sketches and fall words
    Blog,  Fall Drawing Ideas,  Lettering Ideas,  Watercolor and Ink

    How to Draw Pumpkin Sketches with Fall Words

    Pumpkin sketches and fall words are the perfect way to express the fall feels of the autumn season. “And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” ~Oscar Wilde As if overnight, fall is here. And it amazes me each year that as the nights turn cold and the days become blustery, the craving for fall deliciousness comes wafting along with it. Apples. Soup. Chai (and coffee, but there is always coffee). Pumpkins … oh! the pumpkins ... Not just food though, fall makes me want to pull out my sweaters, walk through the crunchy leaves, hold onto a hot mug, and pack into a wagon for a hayride through the…