• How to use stippling for watercolor texture
    Blog,  Watercolor and Ink

    How to Use Stippling for Watercolor Texture – all about lazy stippling

    What exactly is lazy stippling? In this article, we’ll talk all about using a stippling technique, or lazy stippling, for watercolor texture. What is Lazy Stippling? Let’s start with stippling, in case you’re unfamiliar with the word. Basically, stippling is creating art with dots, lots and lots of dots. The more compact they are, the darker the area appears, but as you spread the dots farther apart, the area appears much lighter. It’s a very interesting technique for drawing or watercolor. But it’s also a technique that takes patience. Maybe more patience than I have or want to have. So, when I feel the desire to create a stippling effect…

  • blog post, watercolor art, learning watercolor, beginning with watercolors
    Blog,  Watercolor and Ink

    Watercolor Techniques

    Watercolor techniques give you freedom to explore and mix, to watch and join in, to dream and create. Last week, we talked about giving ourselves permission to play. Watercolor techniques are the playground of learning to paint with watercolors. Are you ready to play? Today, I want to show you several of my favorite techniques to help you start playing with watercolors. Beyond that … you can build your own set of monkey bars.